
Tuesday 19 April 2011

Fly high with Imagination !!!

Have you ever imagined how people fall in love wid each other ??? or going more deep into imagination have u ever imagined who invented say PC , mobile for first time what the hell that person was doing when he invented it or have u imagined why people work in daytime and not at night though we have 24 hrs ,or more deeply have u imagined how we love some person and hate some other person though both are person.And today most of young people imagine that whether dat good looking person  love me ;).
 Just give an acceleration on Ur brains to imagine it !! Imagination can also lead to new ideas.
Many of us imagine to be a big famous person somewhere at sometime in future life ?? Right !!!
Imagination means creating or visualising what we want or we want to achieve .Jus standing in balcony and watching people moving to and fro on road  i imagined how God have made people and this world . You must also be excitred to imagine how was lifestyle of people say 500 years ago , what all they use to do.
But you may think day dreaming and Imagination are same ?? Answer is no...
And Imagination has also turned things that could be never done into thing we all witness.
Great example is of Bill gates that he imagined of Computer in every house all over world !!!
And one has rightly said "If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it."
Albert Einstein has also said "Imagination is more important than knowledge". Imagine about various things you want to and achieve it. :) Enjoy ur lyf wid imagination ...:)
Have a bright future ;) :)

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