
Monday 27 February 2012

Motivation - A Kickstart !!

Hello guys I am back with my thoughts and views.According to me to achieve anything you cant just
get started with it.To fulfill your dreams you cant just achieve it as you see it.To start with your road to
success or anything you must have motivation that will make you achieve things you want to.Motivation can be defined in many ways, one way is desire to do things.According to me people who achieve heights in their life are motivated by some reason or two.Its not that just they become big , its there desire to become big.There are many examples of people getting motivated and achieving big heights in there life.
There are various way through which people can get motivated in there life to achieve desire things they want in life.People get motivated through idols/other people in their life,books,music,movies etc.But its not that you have to just get motivated for that period time.I have seen people getting motivated through something but they never make effort to convert this feeling of being motivated into their plans.To achieve heights
you need to convert motivation into actions.There are people who can motivate themselves as they want to convert their dreams to reality and achive something high in their life.However most people have idol who they want to be like or achieve what they have done in their life.One has rightly said “Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great.” Its not always you will achieve you want but sometimes you may achieve more than that or less than that.There is saying similar to this which say “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.” Remember one thing everyone wont achieve what they want in life, sometimes they may end less than what they want or sometimes they may achieve more than they ever thought.But its motivation which can lead you to achieve things you desire or dream.Its all about being motivated or making others motivated... Best of luck !!

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