
Saturday 17 March 2012

Life - A Journey !!!

Now then this topic looks damn interesting. Lots to say about,dream about and many more. Firstly speaking
"Life is gift we received from God". Everyone has their own way of living life. Some want to use their life
to cherish dreams, some just to enjoy, some use their life in serving others and many more ways. Life is not
easy thing to be dealt with.According to me life is only thing which cant remain ever constant, it would go on
changing per second or minute or hour and many. No one is ever sure about changes that can take in their life,
no one can say that where his life can be few years from here, may be his life has everything he wants or he may have nothing.Most of them think about their life in future where they forget to live their present as if they know they may go to that point of time in flick of seconds.According to me life is a journey which will surely end somewhere so its better you live your life with peace, love, being honest.Everyone in life wants happiness, heaven-like feeling, no pain.
 When they go through hell in their lifetime they curse others for what they are going through.
"So rather than cursing its better you continue walking through hell", because where there is will there is a way.
At end of every dark tunnel there is hope of light.You never think about your life, it may be ordinary life now but after some time you might know that you are giving heaven of life.Its all about time and luck in your life.
We never write our life, its all ready being written.I remember a bollywood star telling in one film based on life, that everything happens for reason and that reason was already written by God Father.Speaking in programming terms being programmer, we are here to execute code scripts of life which is going to fail some point of time.I listen from many people that dont care about life we will move as wind of life takes us but there is feeling of being futuristic that where will be after some point of time in life.Everyone thinks that others life is better than their life, but they dont know whats going through their life.Because there are some people who will accept everything in their life with smile whether its pain or anything else.Its not about being rich in your life,its all about enjoying your life and being happy with what you have.If its written that you will have king life
in future which is written in your scripts of life then you will get it. You will get only that whats written
in your fortunes.Even if you think that you will achieve what you want and if fortunes are not with your life
you wont achieve it.So live your life with love, honesty, peace, nonviolence etc.Don't try to make life manually,
it will be made automatically in this modern world.
"Take the life as it comes". :)

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