
Wednesday 5 September 2012

Talent vs Attitude !!

Sometimes people think its all about talent.But i realized that talent wont always lead you to success.
Just because you have talent means you are successful person.Talent is thing which needs to be properly handled along with attitude.I have seen people with less talent but having good positive attitude towards life are successful....Just have a look at this video a great speech by Harsha Bhogle.

According to me its right that you dont need to overtalented with bad attitude, you just need to have some talent with positive frame of attitude !!

Enjoy video and Always be positive in your life :)

Saturday 17 March 2012

Life - A Journey !!!

Now then this topic looks damn interesting. Lots to say about,dream about and many more. Firstly speaking
"Life is gift we received from God". Everyone has their own way of living life. Some want to use their life
to cherish dreams, some just to enjoy, some use their life in serving others and many more ways. Life is not
easy thing to be dealt with.According to me life is only thing which cant remain ever constant, it would go on
changing per second or minute or hour and many. No one is ever sure about changes that can take in their life,
no one can say that where his life can be few years from here, may be his life has everything he wants or he may have nothing.Most of them think about their life in future where they forget to live their present as if they know they may go to that point of time in flick of seconds.According to me life is a journey which will surely end somewhere so its better you live your life with peace, love, being honest.Everyone in life wants happiness, heaven-like feeling, no pain.
 When they go through hell in their lifetime they curse others for what they are going through.
"So rather than cursing its better you continue walking through hell", because where there is will there is a way.
At end of every dark tunnel there is hope of light.You never think about your life, it may be ordinary life now but after some time you might know that you are giving heaven of life.Its all about time and luck in your life.
We never write our life, its all ready being written.I remember a bollywood star telling in one film based on life, that everything happens for reason and that reason was already written by God Father.Speaking in programming terms being programmer, we are here to execute code scripts of life which is going to fail some point of time.I listen from many people that dont care about life we will move as wind of life takes us but there is feeling of being futuristic that where will be after some point of time in life.Everyone thinks that others life is better than their life, but they dont know whats going through their life.Because there are some people who will accept everything in their life with smile whether its pain or anything else.Its not about being rich in your life,its all about enjoying your life and being happy with what you have.If its written that you will have king life
in future which is written in your scripts of life then you will get it. You will get only that whats written
in your fortunes.Even if you think that you will achieve what you want and if fortunes are not with your life
you wont achieve it.So live your life with love, honesty, peace, nonviolence etc.Don't try to make life manually,
it will be made automatically in this modern world.
"Take the life as it comes". :)

Monday 27 February 2012

Motivation - A Kickstart !!

Hello guys I am back with my thoughts and views.According to me to achieve anything you cant just
get started with it.To fulfill your dreams you cant just achieve it as you see it.To start with your road to
success or anything you must have motivation that will make you achieve things you want to.Motivation can be defined in many ways, one way is desire to do things.According to me people who achieve heights in their life are motivated by some reason or two.Its not that just they become big , its there desire to become big.There are many examples of people getting motivated and achieving big heights in there life.
There are various way through which people can get motivated in there life to achieve desire things they want in life.People get motivated through idols/other people in their life,books,music,movies etc.But its not that you have to just get motivated for that period time.I have seen people getting motivated through something but they never make effort to convert this feeling of being motivated into their plans.To achieve heights
you need to convert motivation into actions.There are people who can motivate themselves as they want to convert their dreams to reality and achive something high in their life.However most people have idol who they want to be like or achieve what they have done in their life.One has rightly said “Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great.” Its not always you will achieve you want but sometimes you may achieve more than that or less than that.There is saying similar to this which say “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.” Remember one thing everyone wont achieve what they want in life, sometimes they may end less than what they want or sometimes they may achieve more than they ever thought.But its motivation which can lead you to achieve things you desire or dream.Its all about being motivated or making others motivated... Best of luck !!

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Love - An illusion !!!

Its a long break before i realise that i dont stay constant on one thing. So its time to be back to blogging with
lots of views and thoughts going through my mind when i am alone.Its not that things are defined by nature ,
it depends on us how we define those things in your view and thoughts.Just a week ago there was Valentine day.
So what you define love as ? Is it really a bond between two strange peoples.Mmmmm may be yes or may be No!People say love means trust,care,believe,honesty and blah blah.But do you think there is any word as such ?
Yes ! The only one that of mother's love.People think they love each other.But its just a illusion as someone says Love is love is illusion.I never believed in love because people will never love you.Its all about attraction and
affection with others for sometime till you are together.Just because people like you doesnt mean they love you.
Yeah love does exist ... People love themselves! There are some bollywood dialogues i can give my life in love.
Now this is so crap.No one likes to die even if it is going to come some day.You are just loved by two to three peoples in your life parents and yourself.Rest all hate you !!
Stay tuned for more blogs on my thought :)

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Idea - Stay hungry Stay foolish !!!

You may have a heard the famous tagline of cellular network Idea i.e. "An idea can change your life."
But do you really believe in this tagline ?? Mmmm many of them think it just a tagline but i personally think this tagline really works.Because i have personally experienced it ;).
One idea and your life is on.Its not just that we must come up with an idea , we need to think of it , dream of it and hopefully live on that idea.Many people come up with idea but they think it wont pay off and they just let it go.There are many of examples which proved that an idea can really change your life..
Current example is infront of world and that is off  the social networking site "Facebook"...Mark Zuckerberg would be really saying an idea has changed my life :D.
And many people in this world are telling to him "What an Idea Sirjee !!".
So in this world everyone has brain which is to think which may result into a good idea or bad idea. It doesnt mean your idea would always fail ....So scratch your brains , hope you might come with one idea which may change your life .... Best of Luck !!! :)

Sunday 8 May 2011

Mother - Much more than a God !!!

This is one is dedicated to all loving mothers in world ...
Who said we cant see God on world i see it and mostly many of them see it too daily and its none other than your "Loving Mother".
And also i firmly believe in quote "Luv at first sight" when you fall in love with your mother just when you were born in her be-loving arms. The only true love you can get is from your mother.Whether its joy or sorrow for you , your mother is the only person who stands with you.And one has said that God cant be everywhere thats why he made mothers :).
I think only person who cares about you in world and who is trustworthy is your mother. No one can take her place in case of love and care and i bet on this..Mothers will love their children no matter what they do.
Mother is the one who understands you and can read your mind. No one can describe the love , feelings and affection a mother has towards its child.Its mother and her discipline which takes a child on right way of life.
My mother has also been the best role model for me. Mother act as a biggest motivator in your life and has huge impact on us.She has thought me not to worry about what others think or say about me, as long as I’m doing the right thing.Today where you are or what you are is just because of your mother.
My mother is my life !!!

All I am I owe to my mother.I can never thank my mother enough for what she has given me.
Love you mom <3 <3 :) !!!

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Fly high with Imagination !!!

Have you ever imagined how people fall in love wid each other ??? or going more deep into imagination have u ever imagined who invented say PC , mobile for first time what the hell that person was doing when he invented it or have u imagined why people work in daytime and not at night though we have 24 hrs ,or more deeply have u imagined how we love some person and hate some other person though both are person.And today most of young people imagine that whether dat good looking person  love me ;).
 Just give an acceleration on Ur brains to imagine it !! Imagination can also lead to new ideas.
Many of us imagine to be a big famous person somewhere at sometime in future life ?? Right !!!
Imagination means creating or visualising what we want or we want to achieve .Jus standing in balcony and watching people moving to and fro on road  i imagined how God have made people and this world . You must also be excitred to imagine how was lifestyle of people say 500 years ago , what all they use to do.
But you may think day dreaming and Imagination are same ?? Answer is no...
And Imagination has also turned things that could be never done into thing we all witness.
Great example is of Bill gates that he imagined of Computer in every house all over world !!!
And one has rightly said "If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it."
Albert Einstein has also said "Imagination is more important than knowledge". Imagine about various things you want to and achieve it. :) Enjoy ur lyf wid imagination ...:)
Have a bright future ;) :)

Sunday 17 April 2011

Sachin Tendulkar - Success follows Excellence !!!

You dont get success that easily in ur lyf . Consistent hardwork , patience and self belief can lead you to
success . Once you start gaining excellence you start sensing success !!!

Man with Golden Touch !!!

MahendraSingh Dhoni was born on 7th July 1981 in city of Ranchi . He was ordinary student like everyone interested in football and badminton as he was athletic . He was goalkeeper of football but his coach turned him to be goalkeeper of cricket.That was the turnaround of this stars and luck in his life . After coming through
his hard work in state team and India A team he made his way through national team of India in 2004-2005. He got out on duck in his first ODI and it seems like another wicketkeeper wasted but it didn't happened like that because god was on his side this time and just in his next series he hit an 148 against Pakistan which
was start of "Golden run in his life" which turn diamond with his blazing 183* against SriLanka.Finally his hard work and excellence made him the captain of Indian team in 2007. Just in his first series as captain he captained side in ICC T20 world cup and that was start of his luck . Whatever he started touching turned Gold winning ICC T20 World cup , First test series win in Newzealand after many years , CB series win in Australia and World Cup 2011 after 28 years . It was not yet complete he won awards such ICC ODI player of year , Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award and Padma Shri award.He also signed a 200 crore endorsements
with Rhiti Sorts over three years and he also has more that 20 popular brands which includes Reebok , Pepsi , TVS , Speed , Sonata , Big Bazaar etc....
This is why he is called "Man with Golden Touch".